Seven in 10 office workers believe colleagues should only be allowed back at their desks when they have been vaccinated against Covid-19, research has revealed

A survey of 1,000 UK office workers who are currently on furlough or are working from home revealed more than half (51 per cent) can’t wait to head back in to do their job.

But HR teams may have to consider rewriting their guidelines, after 71 per cent said staff should only be allowed back in the office once they have been vaccinated.

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And the days of a full week in the office are likely to be over if companies want to keep their staff happy.

Working from home

The research revealed 81 per cent want their bosses to allow them to work from home when they want to, with office workers typically only wanting to venture in for two days per week.

However, almost three quarters (73 per cent) don’t know when they will be allowed to return - with 69 per cent calling on the government to provide more clarity on the situation.

The research was revealed by private Covid-19 testing company Medicspotas the UK’s vaccine rollout and lockdown measures prove to be a roaring success in the fight against Covid-19, with hospitalisations at the lowest rate since September.

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