Parents being told to wait for school bus fees refunds

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Latest news from our schools EMN-200316-155332001
A Sleaford area parent is questioning why there are lengthy delays for refunds from the county council for her daughter’s school transport, which she is unable to use due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The mum, who did not wish to be named, contacted Lincolnshire County Council’s transport services after news that schools were closed for all but key workers and both GCSE and A level exams would not go ahead.

Her daughter attends Carre’s Grammar School in Year 13 and travels by bus, for which the family paid the fees for the year.

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The mum explained that with no exams her daughter will not be returning to school and should be entitled to claim back the money for the weeks of transport service unused.

She told the Standard: “It would only be fair for transport refunds to be issued for A level students from March 23, when the government closed schools.”

The council initially refused to pay for the two weeks of unused transport before the Easter break and was delaying repayments for the following terms.

The mum believed it was inappropriate for the council to withhold funds for any missed weeks.

The council has now agreed to refund her money.

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Martin Smith, interim assistant director for education, said refunds would be issued for any school transport ultimately not required due to school closures, but it was unclear when schools will re-open. Once the government has provided the necessary details, we will be in a position to start refunding parents on a pro-rata basis.

“Whilst we appreciate that some children reaching the end of their studies will not be returning to school, we are asking parents to be patient at this very busy time so refunds can be processed collectively. Anyone experiencing financial hardship can request an immediate refund by emailing [email protected].”