Take care on winter roads, says Lincs Fire & Rescue

Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue.Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue.
Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue.
​Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue are urging road users to use extra caution this winter as conditions become more hazardous.

​Last year, the fire and rescue service attended more 700 road traffic collisions, of which 38 per cent were caused by people driving too fast on wet and icy roads.

With worse weather on the way, and Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue noticing an increase in the number of RTCs, the service is reiterating the importance of driving carefully and to the conditions of the road.

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Dan Moss, area manager for prevention and protection at Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, said: “Attending road traffic collisions is becoming an increasingly large part of a firefighter’s role.

"This involves rescuing people trapped in vehicles, providing medical assistance as first responders, and keeping casualties and other road users safe by securing the area around the collision.

“Sadly, our crews are likely to attend more RTCs this winter so we’re asking that you make sure to drive carefully and follow all the steps necessary to keep everyone safe on our roads.”

Vehicle safety checks vital for the winter weather include defrosting and demisting your windscreen, mirrors, and windows, checking tyre pressure and tread, oil and coolant levels, windscreen wipers, and washer fluid, and cleaning your front and rear headlights.

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Other tips for driving safely this winter include avoiding driving in icy conditions unless necessary, planning your journey in advance and allow extra time to drive cautiously, using lights on to maintain visibility, and giving pedestrians and cyclists more space and time.