'˜Look behind you, I'm coming' - menacing message that left woman '˜scared'

News from the courts. ANL-180730-164550001News from the courts. ANL-180730-164550001
News from the courts. ANL-180730-164550001
A Skegness man sent numerous threatening calls, texts and voicemails to his former partner, including a message saying '˜Look behind you, I'm coming'.

John Richardson, 47, of Alexandra Road, admitted harassment by sending 62 messages and calls to Kerry Murphy between October 21 and 26, when he appeared at Boston Magistrates Court.

Marie Stace, prosecuting, said the two had been in a relationship for 11 years but he moved out in August after the relationship deteriorated but he returned home in September but moved out again after causing damage.

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She said the threatening voicemails and messages started in October and included a voicemail which said “Look behind you, I’m coming.”

She said Ms Murphy was ‘very scared’ of him and was concerned he would go to her home.

Mitigating, Vicky Clayton said Brown’s anti-depressant medication had not been working which had led to a number of issues that had caused this offence to be committed.

“He has been doing what he can to help himself with his mental health issues,” she told the magistrates.

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Richardson was sentenced to a 12 month community order with 25 rehabilitation days.

The magistrates also issued a two year restraining order to prevent Richardson contacting Ms Murphy and ordered him to pay £85 in charges.