Busiest year on record for LIVES as 999 volunteers help 20,000 patients

LIVES' chief executive Nikki Silver, with the charity's clinical director, Dr Simon Topham.LIVES' chief executive Nikki Silver, with the charity's clinical director, Dr Simon Topham.
LIVES' chief executive Nikki Silver, with the charity's clinical director, Dr Simon Topham.
Volunteers working for a charity that attends 999 medical emergencies in Gainsborough and the rest of Lincolnshire completed its busiest year on record in 2016.

LIVES responded to a total of 20,516 calls from patients across the county, which was an increase of more than 2,000 on the previous year.

And the trend has continued into 2017 because between New Year’s Eve and Bank Holiday Monday, January 2, the charity’s trained volunteers attended more than 300 emergency incidents.

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On average, LIVES responders, who are qualified healthcare professionals, go to 60 calls per day and aim to get to the patient inside eight or nine minutes to deliver immediate life-saving care, often before the arrival of an ambulance.

The charity’s boss, Nikki Silver, said: “These figures are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, who make a huge contribution to their communities, responding to emergency calls, day or night, whatever the weather. We’re often the first people at the scene, and our actions save lives.”

LIVES was formed back in 1970 by two Lincolnshire doctors after an horrific road accident on the A1 in which the casualty died through lack of immediate medical care. Now, whenever a 999 call is made in the area, it receives notification.

Every year, the charity needs to raise more than £1 million from public donations to keep its army of volunteers trained and equipped. Nikki added: “As the number of calls grows, it is important for us to raise funds to continue our exceptional work. We are very grateful for the public support. We would not have been able to help more than 20,000 people in 2016 without our generous supporters.”

To become a friend of LIVES or to make a donation, please go to lives.org.uk/donate/.

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