New venue for town drop-in sessions?

Sleaford Town Council EMN-150213-145433001Sleaford Town Council EMN-150213-145433001
Sleaford Town Council EMN-150213-145433001
Town councillors have recommended they continue using The Source as the venue for their Saturday morning public drop-in sessions '“ for the next six months.

While reviewing recent financial transactions at last Wednesday’s Planning Applications Committee, Coun Heather Lorimer questioned why they were continuing to pay to use The Source, in Southgate, when they are paying rent on their new Town Hall, located off Carre Street, in Navigation Yard.

Councillors Ken Fernandes and Grenville Jackson countered that The Source was now established as a place to raise issues with councillors and a user survey backed it up. Coun Jackson said: “Locating it here (at the Town Hall), we are not on the beaten track and members may not see a soul.”

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But Coun Bozena Allan said townspeople had to get used to the new building and it would highlight its availability for community uses.

Members recommended to continue with The Source for six months, and people would be informed of the proposed venue switch to the Town Hall.

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