Could Worlaby be the key for lost pictures?

Lost wedding pictures EMN-160727-173504001Lost wedding pictures EMN-160727-173504001
Lost wedding pictures EMN-160727-173504001
A nationwide search has been mounted to reunite a wedding album with its rightful owner.

The beautiful wedding album, filled with black-and-white photographs, was lost by a National Express coach customer last year – and promptly handed into staff at Birmingham Coach Station.

Details of the wedding have been lovingly filled in, listing the couple – who look to be in their early twenties – to have married at a mystery ‘St Clements Church’ on Saturday, August 7, 1965, supported by bridesmaids Julie and Christine and best man Derrick.

Could it have been St Clement’s Church at Worlaby?

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Lost wedding pictures EMN-160727-173550001

If it was, the couple may still be living in the area.

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Despite the best efforts of National Express staff to trace its rightful owner, the album, which names Patricia Cavanagh and Brian Lewis as the bride and groom, has remained unclaimed.

It was lost during what would have been the couple’s Golden Anniversary year - pointing to the possibility someone may have been carrying it to a celebration.

No records of the couple exist on National Express systems, suggesting if the album was indeed lost directly by Patricia or Brian, they purchased an on-the-day ticket.

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Lost wedding pictures EMN-160727-173534001

Now, keen to return the album, which is likely to hold huge sentimental value, National Express staff are making the appeal public.

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The wedding album has a well-worn cream cover, suggesting it has been thumbed through many times over the years. Inside are 15 charming black and white photographs speaking to a bygone age, when Beatlemania swept the world and Morris Minors ruled the roads.

The bride wears a traditional veil and a brocade gown with a pretty pearl trim while the groom looks dashing and best man Derrick sports a classic nineteen sixties double-breasted suit.

Lost property manager Claire Horvath said: “The photographs of Brian and Patricia are absolutely charming and the wedding looks to be such a happy day.

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Lost wedding pictures EMN-160727-173520001

“We don’t know who lost the wedding album, but it is clear it must hold huge sentimental appeal to have been carried around after all these years.

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“We’re really keen to get this album home – wherever that may be – and would be overjoyed for it to be returned to its rightful owner”.

If you are the owner - or know Patricia and Brian - contact us here at the Rasen Mail.

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