Globetrotting Emma aims to inspire youth

Emma Wilson on her travels in Vietnam. EMN-171228-152354001Emma Wilson on her travels in Vietnam. EMN-171228-152354001
Emma Wilson on her travels in Vietnam. EMN-171228-152354001
A woman who grew up in Sleaford and has spent her adult life travelling for a living is seeking backing to be one of a team of volunteers flying to South Africa to help give a brighter future to some of the country's poorest children.

Emma Wilson, 38, whose family still lives in Ruskington, currently works for a ‘singles’ holiday company and said: “I have worked and travelled the world and met children all over and that is why I wanted to get involved in this project.”

She plans to train to be part of an expedition of 30 volunteer motivational coaches with the Fearless Speaking Academy, a scheme set up by Warren ‘Inspire’ Ryan, a top motivational speaker who has been working in schools and with adults for years, but this voluntary group project is a first.

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The aim is to travel to Cape Town where the coaches, who all have their own life experience stories to drawn upon, will visit underprivileged children to give them, and their teachers, the emotional tools and strategies to communicate and have self confidence to better themselves in life and break the cycle of poverty and crime.

Emma Wilson working with school children in the Dominican Republic. EMN-171228-152406001Emma Wilson working with school children in the Dominican Republic. EMN-171228-152406001
Emma Wilson working with school children in the Dominican Republic. EMN-171228-152406001

Emma started working as a ‘host’ for the travel company five years ago, helping clients build friendships and creating amazing memories in different countries around the world.

She said: “I have lived and worked in Thailand and Greece and have my own travel blog. I just want to see more of the world and show it to other people, and inspire others to travel as well.”

Also a global business adviser, Emma met Warren when she went on one of his confidence building courses through work, and explained that the volunteer team has been his aspiration.

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She said: “Warren will be training us to go into the schools and speak to the children and lift them up and give them a voice and realise what they have been through as some have been through a lot of trauma, otherwise a lot of kids can go off the rails. Warren had a lot of trauma as a child, but he has managed to make something of his life and wants to give something back. Hopefully all the volunteers have a story to tell, including me.”

Warren Inspire Ryan in action working with school children. EMN-171228-152417001Warren Inspire Ryan in action working with school children. EMN-171228-152417001
Warren Inspire Ryan in action working with school children. EMN-171228-152417001

Emma said she needs to raise at least £1,997 in sponsorship to cover flights, accommodation and travel, but any extra would help the children in disadvantaged communities.

Once trained by Warren, the team will fly out on March 14 and spend a week visiting schools and orphanages to run speaking workships, confidence classes, and self development activities, helping them stand up for their rights to be nourished, educated and safe.

South Africa is seen as just the start, with the ultimate goal being speaking academies and schools across the globe.

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The team will be collaborating with a number of charitable organisations working with vulnerable children in South Africa including the Butterfly Art Project, the Amoyo Performing Arts Foundation and Youth Redemption.

Warren Inspire Ryan will be taking a party of 30 inspirational speakers, including Emma Wilson, to help boost children in Cape Town, South Africa. EMN-171228-152428001Warren Inspire Ryan will be taking a party of 30 inspirational speakers, including Emma Wilson, to help boost children in Cape Town, South Africa. EMN-171228-152428001
Warren Inspire Ryan will be taking a party of 30 inspirational speakers, including Emma Wilson, to help boost children in Cape Town, South Africa. EMN-171228-152428001

Any commercial sponsors will enjoy social media attention as part of the mission and brand advertising on the clothing and equipment throughout the lifespan of the project. “We will have a film crew following us and will appear in newspapers and radio stations while over in South Africa,” Emma said.

The funding will also need to cover security for the party as they will be venturing through some deprived areas where crime rates are very high.

Emma said: “I have been to Cape Town twice before, so I do know what it is like. I have a friend who works in the shanty towns.”

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Asked if there is anywhere left she would still like to travel to in future, Emma thought: “I would love to go to Bali, Brazil and walk up Kilimanjaro.”

To find out more and to offer sponsorship, email: [email protected]