Yobs damage historic stained glass windows at Boston's Stump

The historic window damaged by vandalsThe historic window damaged by vandals
The historic window damaged by vandals
Vandals have struck at Boston’s historic Stump church, damaging historic stained glass windows.

The yobs hurled stones at the windows, smashing panes of glass and causing 'significant' damage.

They have attacked the historic St Botolph’s church twice in recent days, with the church reporting incidents last Monday night (June 28) and again on Saturday (July 3).

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The church says police have been informed and are investigating the attacks, and have asked anyone with any information to get in touch.

A spokesperson for the Stump said: “We are appealing for anybody who may have information about an incident which happened on Monday night (28/06) and again last night (03/07).

“Sadly we have discovered that stones have again been thrown at our delicate, and historic, stained glass windows.

“ On Tuesday morning staff discovered that stones had been thrown at our window, smashing panes of glass, and we have discovered it has happened again yesterday [Saturday] evening.

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“This has now caused significant damage that will cost a lot of repair.

“These actions have been a senseless attack with the intent to cause damage to our wonderful building.

“If anyone knows any information at all you can either contact 101 or the parish office (01205) 310929 / admin@parishofboston.co.uk.

“The Police are aware & investigating.”

Dating from 1309, the Stump has recently had an extensive restoration project, A Passion for the People, completed.

It’s patron, HRH The Princess Royal visited the church last week to see the work that has been done.