Wragby WI

WI News EMN-160113-163946001WI News EMN-160113-163946001
WI News EMN-160113-163946001
The March meeting of Wragby WI welcomed new members Linda, Kay and Jules.

The committee remains the same as the previous year and there are lots of events planned for the next few months.

An invitation has been received from Langworth WI to their 65th birthday celebration; a trip is booked to M&Co at Louth followed by a meal for May 24; bowls at Dove Park on July 4; a trip to Castleton and Bakewell on June 19; Witham Group meeting at Bardney on April 4 with the Lindum Group Choir; a scrabble evening at Bardney on April 26 are all on the cards.

The popular evening walks begin in April 24, to Goltho.

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Other walks are planned for May 16, Chambers Wood; June 6, Bardney Locks and June 27, a trip to Saxon House near Spridlington.

Guest speaker for the evening was Enid Donington on her chosen subject of Pedicure and Foot Health. She gave a very interesting talk on foot health and did pedicures on three members.

The competition for a pretty hankie was won by Marilyn Moore and Margaret Saunders, with Lesley Bjomad and Sue Binns second, Margaret Saunders third.

Flower of the month: winners were Vera Smart and Elaine Eccles, with Pauline Cooper and Vera Smart second, and Carol Scourfield third.